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Selected Books by Edmund Blair Bolles

  • Galileo's Commandment: 2500 Years of Great Science Writing
  • The Ice Finders: How a Poet, a Professor, and a Politician Discovered the Ice Age
  • Einstein Defiant: Genius vs Genius in the Quantum Revolution

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very intresting. txs.
It sound reasonable that language variation stoped, I do not see why all things that evolve have to do it either at the same speed, or at the same acceleration rate.
The epigenetic and the genetic evolution in a species Seems to be analogous to the evolution in one human regarding the neural circuits and the environmental factors.


Death, especially early death, is a powerful stabilizing force. A culture that can simply be transmitted but not significantly increased, because it depends exclusively on individual acquisition, can only reach a given level. Technologies of cultural transmission take long to develop in such a society. But once they are established they serve as a foothold for progress to a further level. Take for instance navigation. Or agriculture. Or architecture. Or, perhaps especially, writing, which expands cultural memory beyond the individual's life.

Charles H. Smith

Only one comment: Your portrait is not of Alfred Russel Wallace, it is of Robert Owen. I know because I have this image posted at my Wallace site. Oh--one other thing--Wallace actually wrote a fair amount on the origin of language, specifically.
BLOGGER: Oops. Maybe I can fix that. Meanwhile, the commenter's Wallace site can be found at

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