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Selected Books by Edmund Blair Bolles

  • Galileo's Commandment: 2500 Years of Great Science Writing
  • The Ice Finders: How a Poet, a Professor, and a Politician Discovered the Ice Age
  • Einstein Defiant: Genius vs Genius in the Quantum Revolution

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Chris Crawford

Edward O. Wilson's new book, The Social Conquest of Earth is quite forthright in declaring its support of group selection. Indeed, much of the book is an extended explanation of how eusociality has had such great evolutionary success.

Raymond Weitzman

The equation w = n'/n and the examples you present don't really tell us anything about gene selection or at least not unambiguously. The change in population from one generation to the next as to the number of fast runners or the number of people speaking in full sentences could just as easily be accounted for by changes in social learning from one generation to the next. In other words, it can be accounted in terms of changes in training methods, offering more incentives, weight control,and so forth.Only if these social variables were held constant from one generation to the next, would the hypothetical results you got suggest, possibly, that the change was the result of genetic selection.

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